Vanity ($VNY)

Vanity is the first token ever released to provide custom wallet addresses as a service. Utilising high computing power normally unavailable to everyday users, Vanity is able to generate, utilising split-key generation in a custom coded WASM Client-Sided platform, safe Vanity addresses that only you can access to. Acquiring a token is essential for the acquisition of a Vanity Custom Address or NFT.

The Vanity project, both token and NFTs will soon face several ulitity addon, few of them merged with VNetwork's Products.

Contract Address: 0xabc69f2025bdb12efcdb8fd048d240fff943ca82

Solidity Version: v0.8.2 Chain: BNB Smart Chain

Total Supply: 10 Billion $VNW Ciculating Supply: ~7.2 Billion $VNW Buy/Sell Tax: 5% (Which is 100% redistributed to the $VNY holders)

Audit: SourceHat (Formerly SolidityFinance)

Last updated